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I don't only want your physical structure, but also your mind. If the mind is unholy , the body also becomes intouchable. No man is  m...


I understand and realise that the privacy of personal information is how important to my users. I understand that your privacy matters and respect your privacy choices. Therefore, www.indopoems.blogspot.com follow a very strict privacy policy. I need to collect certain basic information from you when you register on my site, respond to a poll or fill out a form.The type of information that you may need to provid are; name, Age, Email address, Gender, Nationality, Website. I need your information to personalise your experience, to improve my website, to establish customer relationship, to care special needs of users, to manage the operations of this site, to meet legal requirements and to process transactions. I guarantee your personal privacy information is safe with me. I protect your information. I do not sell, trade or transfer any of the information provide by you to outside parties. I may use cookies and may also use third party advertisement to support my site.Many of them use cookies when they advertise on my site, which will also send these advertisers information including your IP address, your ISP, the browser you used to visit my site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. Occasionally, I may use links of other websites. But my privacy policy is no longer in effect. No information given by you will be sold, exchanged, transfered, or given to any other without your consent. You can change information at any time. If you face any kind of problems to update your information, you contact me through the contact page. By using my blogsite, www.indopoems.blogspot.com, you agree to the terms and conditions of this privacy policy. You should access my site's privacy policy regularly to ensure you understand this site's current policies. www.indopoems.blogspot.com reserve the right to change this privacy policy from time to time with or without notice. When I'll change the privacy policy, I'll post those changes on this page only. If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact me using my email address subrata.jiaganj@gmail.com.

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